Handcrafted Ukulele











Christoper Davis Shannon 

in London

 When I first saw Ancestor's instruments I knew that one day I would commission an instrument. I aesthetically adore simplicity and while the instruments are a nod to the older styles of ukulele there is a special flavor injected into the design that makes them unique to Ancestor's. I was happy to finally have the need for a new instrument (I am not a collector of ukes and only have the ones which I regularly play) and sent an e-mail inquiring. He was quick to respond with wood options for the instrument that would fit my style better than what I had initially thought of. With any luthier I find it important to trust their judgement as I did with each step; we are musicians, they are the artists of wood. The ukulele arrived in London safely and was breathtaking from the first strum. I look forward to many years of getting to know this instrument and the beauty it can offer. The only sadness is that I keep it in the case when I'm not playing for protection as my wife would much rather have it displayed in the home!



Youtube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6UluNSdIUTkvPzt4Yrw3dw

instagram  https://www.instagram.com/banjoleletinman/?hl=ja chil


d of a musician I began playing music myself at about 3 years of age. Jumping from instrument to instrument in my early years and finally settling on Double bass. For years I toured as a double bassist around the world and that is when my love with the ukulele began. I started to bring a soprano ukulele on the road with me and quickly fell in love with the instrument. Now, while I still play bass, ukulele has overtaken my life. For this, I am grateful! I have now written numerous books, played countless festivals across the world, and taught 1000s of students on this fabulous little ins 








 The most popular model in our workshop is the Type 1. The clear sound of the spruce and cedar top is impressive, even for such a small body. The spruce used is mainly from Europe, and the cedar is from North America. Both are luxuriously made from the highest quality wood. The back and sides are mainly made of Indian rosewood, which is of course the highest quality, as it is the best match for the softwood top. Sophisticated simple appearance makes you want to look at it forever. In addition to this spruce top model, there are many other attractive Type 1 models. Please take a look here






Hajime Sakai


はじめまして。岐阜県美濃加茂市のウクレレ専門工房「Ancestor's Ukulele 」工房主の坂井祖です。20代半ばに楽器職人を志してから早20年近い年月が経ちました。5畳半の小さなアトリエで年間30本ほど製作しています。大型機械を使わずほぼ手作業で製作しているのでなかなか本数は作れませんが一本ずつ木の状態を見ながら丁寧に作っています。では、簡単に経歴をご紹介させて頂きます…









3Type Body × 3scale













  1.  ロゼッタタイプ
  2. パフリング
  3. バインディング
  4. 表板の木材
  5. サイドバックの木材…
  • オーダーウクレレについてのご質問、ご相談などはお気軽にPRE ORDERページからお寄せ下さい。






















さて肝心の音ですが、今回のシトカスプルースのハカランダサイドバック仕様をオーダーさせて頂いたわけですが予想よりも丸く角が取れたまるで少し熟成したかのような鳴り(LOW-G) で、その中にもスプルース独特のアタック感も感じられてこれから成長していくと一体どんなヤンチャなやつになるんだろうかと目尻を下げている次第です。またサスティンがとんでもないことになっており「ここは体育館か!」と言わんばかりにいつまでも鳴り響いております。参りました降参です(笑)…


























Atelier Web Shop



・Ancestor's弦 Light/Normal弦、再販















Ancestor's Tomoki signature model

WM432S Tenor

European spruce / Hawaiian Koa






Today's Photo


making tenor ukulele tops.


I'm working on my woodworking in a hurry for the exhibition. I'm also busy with artist models and preparations for next year. I'm planning to bring a few simple ukuleles to this year's December exhibition. Last year's December exhibition attracted many visitors from overseas, and I hope that this year will be similarly successful, attracting visitors from many different countries. If you pick one up, you will surely understand how easy it is to play and how deep the sound is. I would like to display ukuleles that can only be found at an exhibition where you can touch the instruments directly.I tend to prefer instruments with a simple appearance rather than flashy ones. Simple instruments with a deep sound make me want to play them every day. I think many people can share to this feeling.